Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Love Chocolate!

Good Morning and Welcome Back my friends!

I hope you have enjoyed Chapter Five of "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" as much as I have. If you took the time to answer the questions from the blog last week you know how powerful this week was. Remember if you want to do more than the questions posted, you can do all the questions listed at the back of the book in the study guide. they will leave you pondering much!

If you go into my office at the church there is a box on my shelf labeled "Treats". Many of you know that I keep lollipops in their for your little ones when they come by, but I also keep some of my favorite mini chocolates in there as well. Because my work schedule is a little crazy, I often find that Lunch was not part of the schedule, so I'll grab one (or two) of the chocolates from the box and continue plowing through the day.

This usually works, but the problem is when I get home I'm starving! So I'll end up making a little sandwich or finding something more substantial to keep my stomach quiet and my mood more even :). No sooner do I wipe my mouth with my napkin I'll hear Abigail or Keith ask "When's Dinner?". That is the last thing I want to think about because I have just finished my very late lunch. In hindsight you can see the mess that I've put myself in. I neglected my needs of my body and now I either neglect the needs of my family OR it becomes a drudgery to perform. Have you ever been there?

Often times I do the exact same thing with my relationship with God. I plow through my day and pick up little chocolate bar for nourishment. In the summer, when I lack a regular routine, I find I end up reaching for more spiritual chocolate bars than delicious meals with God. I'll listen to a Christian CD, I'll talk to a friend, I spend quality time with friends and family...all good things, but I'll neglect the perfectly balanced, nutritionally sound meal of a quiet time with God.

Nutritional experts tell us how important good balanced nutrition is. Scurvy is caused by lack of vitamin C, Ricketts by low vitamin D, low iodine causes goiter, low iron brings on anemia, low vitamin B can cause nerve disorders or appetite issues while lack of protein causes Kwashiorker - which is when your body moves into a starvation mode and starts eating itself - yuk! As important as it is for us to partake in a healthy well balance meal, it is just as important for us to have a healthy balanced spiritual life. Making Church attendance, reading the Bible and praying which includes confessing our sins and seeking God's forgiveness daily are all things that help provide a strong nutritionally balanced spiritual life.

So how have you been doing so far this summer with your spiritual nutrition? It's not too late to start eating right. Spend some time (even 5 minutes) in the Bible reading a favorite passage or finding a new favorite one. Take time to read "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" and complete a question or two each day from the back. Spend time praying - you can do it on the beach, in your backyard, poolside, anywhere, try journaling your prayers, it's fun to look back and see what God has been doing in your life. Remember, God desires a relationship with us and patiently waits for us to come and visit with Him.

Love to you all, until next week.


This weeks questions:

I hope you are taking time to look at the questions - they are so powerful and will definitely provide spiritual nourishment as we work our way through them. This week you will be reading Chapter 6, but I would love to hear your feedback on the following questions from chapter 5 (study guide questions are on page 214 in your book).

Question 3 asks you about barriers to intimacy with God that you face. When you take a look at the list which ones to you see has your personal struggle? I see Busyness and Trials as my most difficult. Take time to read the scriptures next to the barriers you checked there are scriptures verses that speak to this barrier. Challenge yourself to not only read them, but pick one to memorize.

Question 5 reads: I've written that before we become Christians, Satan tells us we don't need a Savior. After we become Christians, he tells us we don't deserve a Savior. How have these lies affected your walk with God?

Be sure to read "Creating a -with Drawing Room" on page 74. This question isn't in the book, but I would love to hear from you on, Where is your with drawing room? What other places have you tried that have worked as well as failed?

You can post your answers in the comment section of this blog. I can't wait to hear from you!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rocks in my Wagon

Hey Girlfriend!

I have returned from a lovely vacation in the Northwest, where I have witnessed first hand the true wonder of God's workmanship. The mountains were amazing, the lush green walls of trees were breath-taking. How amazing God is!!! I wish I could have taken each one of you along in my luggage, but now that you pay $25.00 per bag - I don't think I could afford it! Nonetheless, you were in my thoughts and prayers while I was there.

I see by the previous blogs that my precious friend and co-laborer Debbie has faithful blogged the first three chapters of the book with you. How I treasure her! I often say that together we make a whole person - and I believe it. I would be lost without her. So thank you Debbie for caring for all our friends while I traveled. God loves you dearly Debbie and so do I!

Well, this week we spent some time working our way through Chapter 4 "The Cure". I don't know about you, but I perked right up when I saw that title. I love the idea of fixin something. However, to my surprise (or maybe not) after reading Chapter 4 I found the fixin that was needed was ME! I could completely see myself in the illustration where God asked someone to take 3 rocks in a wagon up the mountain. However in route to the mountain they picked up other rocks from well meaning people along the way. Finally, the wagon became so full that ultimately they couldn't accomplish the one thing God asked them to do because they were so encumbered by other rocks that God never asked them to carry. I'm sure each of those rocks were good quality rocks - they just were not the rocks God wanted them to take up the mountain. Could you see yourself in the story?

All too often we find our sweet spot with God: The passion of our heart, the joy of our soul the one thing God has asked us to do and we head out on our call, our mission, our journey. However somewhere along that journey we pick up other 'rocks'. Sometimes out of a feeling of duty, guilt, selfishness or simply because a well meaning person asked us to take a good decent rock up the mountain for them. And before we know it we can no longer accomplish the one thing God ask of us because our wagon was far to difficult for us to pull any longer.

This is not what God has intended for us - His Yolk is light. Seems to me we need to be very wise in how we work for God. What joy Satan gets when he can overwhelm us right out of service! In "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World", Joanna Weaver beautifully calls us back to the Art of Worship - God's original request. When we worship Him and allow Him to dictate our path, that is when we free ourselves up from all that entangles us and we can strive towards what He has called us to do. We find freedom in the word 'No' as well as the word 'Yes'. How do we do this? EWED. Every Woman, Every Day - By being in scripture and prayer daily. When we take time to read the Bible, pray over it and ask God to show us how to apply it to our life - He will! God desires to direct your path, but we must stop to 1. Ask what we should pack in our wagon and 2. ask for directions up the mountain.

I have seen first hand the beautiful vistas that God has create for a mountain climb. He has placed His workmanship at key points in the journey so you forget the effort of pulling the wagon and engage in the beauty of His creation. Thus our wagon must be light enough that we walk with our head up taking in the sites rather than buried in our chest as we struggle with a burdensome wagon and miss out on all He has placed in our path for us to enjoy.

So girls, let's pull our little red wagons (or pink if you prefer) off to the shoulder and take inventory. What has God asked you to carry? What are you carrying out of guilt, fear,out of habit or because of a simple request you didn't decline? Today set aside some time to dump any rocks that need to find another wagon to ride in (see page 55 for helpful hints on dumping rocks). This will lighten your load and allow you to admire the view along the way afterall, God made it just for you!

Before I close I have two questions for you from the study guide at the back of the book (page 213). How I would LOVE to hear back from you on what God is showing you through this study.

Question 3: What do you think Jesus meant when He told Martha in Luke 10:38-42 that only one thing was needed? Hum...this is a good one.

Question 4d: Why may the one thing God asks us to do be different from what He requires of someone else? (consider 1 Cor. 13:3 and Phil 3:4-7)

I can't wait to hear your answers just post them in the comment section! And be sure to join me next week when we review Chapter 5.

How I hate to close out this blog, my heart so desires to hear your thoughts and chat through this book with you.
Blessings my friend. Kathy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Concern vs. Worry

Jehovah-Jireh - God who provides

Jehovah-Rapha - God who heals
El-Shaddai - Almighty God

Worry - sometimes we think,"How can we not?" But we need to keep reminding ourselves, of who God is! If we are battling worry, are we forgetting who God is? So how do we remember who He is, so we do trust in Him?
 On page 40 of my book, we see "three concise and practical steps to victory over worry."
1) Be anxious about nothing.
by 2) Be prayerful about everything.
and 3) Be thankful for all things.

Philippians 4:6-7

We started a saying in Women's Ministry this past year,
EWED - Every Woman Every Day.
This means we are going to try to be in prayer and in God's Word - the Bible, every day. If our minds are filled with the Bible, God's words to us, everyday, it leaves less room in our mind for worry! When we start to worry about something, we can stop and talk, pray, to God to take care of the situation. We trust that nothing is too small or too big for Him. Now, sometimes we need to repeat that a few times to ourselves in order for us to believe it - NOTHING is too small or too big. In my family right now, we are going through some transitions, and many times throughout the day, I am praying, asking God for peace to accept the next moments He has planned for me. Then I rest in my faith that He is in control. I am starting to get excited at what He has in store.

Prayer is a continuous ongoing talk with God - throughout your day.   So, we can be concerned and take action such as - Prayer, Reading God's Word, and looking to God for the answer.   Go to Jesus for Peace, the Prince of Peace.  

So, which of the "Top Ten Ways to Tame Your Worry Habit" (listed at the end of the chapter) do you like?

In the study guide, question 5, What does Proverbs 3:5-6 and Philippians 4:6-7 tell us to do about worry?

Let's hear your thoughts.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The 3 D's

Hi Ladies!

First, let's try to read a chapter a week for the rest of the summer.  Either I or Kathy will try to talk with you every Wednesday or Thursday about the next chapter.  But it's summer and I know our schedules will not always be so consistent each week.

 So, we should be reading chapter 3 this week.

What did you think about the Three D's?  Distraction , Discouragement and Doubt.

I liked the grey box with the five strategies for fighting Discouragement.   Deuteronomy 31:8 says "The Lord Himself goes before us..."   Wow, say that a few times to yourself until you really absorb that.   My Dad once taught me that the best way to handle situations is to quote scripture to yourself.  That way God is speaking to you as you are handling the situation.   If God goes before me -  not beside me - before me, then I don't have to think about the "three D's".    A lesson to practice and still learn, at least for me.

I also liked the last few pages of chapter 2, "until we stop doubting God's goodness, we can't experience God's love." 

So, if you look in the back of the book in the study questions,
Question 5 - grab your Bible, read Mark 4:35-41, what do you think it teaches us about difficult times? and read Isaiah 43: 1- 6 or the whole chapter, what does it teach you?

Question 6 - Read Psalm 103.  Which  5 ways did you see God's love shown in this chapter? 

Share your thoughts!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chapter 1 and 2

Well, I hope you all have your books and have begun reading.  
To keep on track for the summer, try to have Chapters 1 and 2 finished before July 7th.

I love how on page 9 of my book, it says "Two completely different women undergo a tranformation right before our eyes: a holy makeover"    Isn't it nice that it's not just become a "Mary"?  Both women type need time with Jesus for change in their lives.   

On page 11  under "The Good News"  -  "it's not about what we do, but about what Jesus did."  Some times it is easier to say this then to believe it and practice it.

So, find a blanket or chair at the beach, or a comfy sofa in your house, and read the first 2 chapters.   In the back of the book in Appendix A, there are study questions. 

So, what inanimate object are you?

and question 4,  is it possible for our basic character to change?

What do you think?

Monday, June 28, 2010

problem fixed

Hi ladies -

I know we had trouble with this website this past month, and I am sorry.  I heard that some of you tried to post a comment and it didn't take it.  again sorry. 

We hope that we have the problem fixed. Please be sure that you are "signed in".  do this by hitting the button under the list of followers on the right that says "sign in". 
Can someone please try to post a comment, for me so I can be sure the problem is fixed?  If it doesn't work, please email me at  

thanks, debbie

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Having a Mary's Heart in a Martha's World

Hi Ladies -

For those of you who are finishing up reading our last book, I hope you enjoyed your summer reading so far.  And for those of you who are just joining us for our new study - Welcome!

So if we were sitting around the table in the room at church, we would be introducing ourselves.   So why don't we "virtually" introduce ourselves. 

My name is Debbie, and I can't wait to read this book again.   I know that God will have a new word for me as I read this book again. 

Now, even before you pick up this book, who do you think you are more like - Martha or Mary?  I tend to be more a Martha - busy with details.  But I am learning to be balanced.   I am so excited to be leading you in this study.   Wait and see,  we will be wanting to be a little Martha and a little Mary....